If you exercise regularly, you’d be happy to know sunflower seeds are a good source of protein. Munching on a pack after a good workout will help your muscles recover faster. This sunny snack is also filled to the core with phytochemicals like flavonoids, phenolic acids, amino acids, phytosterols, procyanidins, arginine, and more. Wow, that’s a handful of scientific terms. Let us simplify them for you. All of those that you just read above may help in preventing chronic conditions.
Itching to get your fingers on these health benefits? Eating at least 30 grams of sunflower seeds a day will get you feeling the flower power. A good tip for eating an individual seed is to prop it upright between your front teeth, then bite to split the seed in half. Discard the shell and enjoy its tasty core as is, or as part of a recipe.
Sunflower seeds are a bag of sunshine that brightens up your day, so have fun munching away at these delicious, health-boosting bits!