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Flip the Switch

A simple action that you can do to benefit our nation 


Join the sustainability movement! The Philippines aims for cleaner energy by 2030, promoting renewables like solar and wind power. At home, fill air gaps, power down standby devices, and cover pots while cooking to save energy. Let's flip the switch for a greener, more sustainable future—one degree at a time!

Flip the Switch

Did you know that our country is gearing towards cleaner and more sustainable energy use soon? Yes, we’re aiming to up our renewable energy game by 35% by the year 2030!  


Jumping on this eco-train, the Philippines is also setting its sights on more alternative sources of energy. Think of how much cleaner the air can be or how awesome our quality of life will be if we ditched burning fossil fuels for solar power, wind farms and turbines, and hydropower. Exciting and sustainably powerful times ahead!  

Our Sustainability Era

It’s good to know that there are big plans and grand schemes when it comes to saving the environment, but we can do our part right in our own homes. Check out these simple energy-saving tips. 

Catch up with Air Gaps

Make sure to fill those gaps! For many of us in the Philippines, using an air-conditioner has become a necessity, but if there are gaps for the cool air to escape, your unit works extra hard to maintain your desired temperature, using up even more energy. 


Power Down

Ever notice how much energy those standby devices suck up? The best way to avoid this is just to grab a power strip with a switch and turn 'em off when you're not using them. 

Kitchen Hacks

A simple hack to save energy: cover those pots while cooking! And don't forget to defrost your freezer regularly as it keeps things running efficiently.

With these little changes that you can make at home, you’re doing Earth a huge favor, and cutting down on your energy consumption as well. So, let's flip that switch and make a difference, one degree at a time!